Signing the Vienna Declaration on Central and Eastern European Greenways

Partners and supporters of Greenways in Central and Eastern Europe signed the Declaration in order to recapture a decade of the greenways development in our region and setting new goals for the upcoming decade.

Signatories expressed their will to work together in order to create a greenways network and cooperate with all insitutions and organizations that share Greenways philosophy. They belive that Greenways help to preserve the uniqueness of the places and foster sustainable development improving the quality of life in urban and rural areas across the region.

Partners intent to act as integral part of European organizations and institutions sharing similar goals and values, such as European Greenways Association EGWA, European Cyclists Federation ECF and others.

The Declaration was agreed and initiated at the “EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycling Tourism Conference in Europe Conference” in Vienna, Austria, 14th of October 2016.

Greenways are multi-functional trails developed along natural corridors, rivers and canals, historical trade routes and abandoned railways. They link regions, tourist attractions and community initiatives, support sustainable tourism and recreation, promote healthy life-styles and non-motorized transport. They generate opportunities for improving quality of life and environment, revitalizing local economies, promoting local products, encouraging community-based enterprise and protecting unique natural, landscape and cultural assets in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Vienna Declaration on Central and Eastern European Greenways

Recapturing a decade of the greenways development in Central and Eastern Europe and setting new goals for the upcoming decade”

Vienna, October 14, 2016

Greenways are multi-functional trails developed along natural corridors, rivers and canals, historical trade routes and abandoned railways. They link regions, tourist attractions and community initiatives, support sustainable tourism and recreation, promote healthy life-styles and non-motorized transport. They generate opportunities for improving quality of life and environment, revitalizing local economies, promoting local products, encouraging community-based enterprise and protecting unique natural, landscape and cultural assets in Central and Eastern Europe.

Bearing in mind the principles of the first 2006 Central and Eastern European Greenways Sopron Declaration,

Partners and supporters of greenways network development in Central and Eastern Europe declare the following:

1. We intent to work together in order to create a greenways network and cooperate with all insitutions and organizations that share Greenways philosophy.

2. Our priority is to support local people to build and revitalize trails for public benefit and natural corridors called Greenways in the countries and regions of Central and Eastern Europe.

3. We believe that Greenways help to preserve the uniqueness of the places and foster sustainable development improving the quality of life in urban and rural areas across the region.

4. Our main goals for the next decade are:

(a) streghtening and expanding greenways network and to link it with other existing European networks of trails, such us EuroVelo routes.

(b) raising political awareness on greenways on the national, regional and European level.

(c) promotion of greenways' benefits for environment and climate, sustainable development, health, safety and accessibility as well as natural and cultural heritage preservation.

5. In order to achieve the above goals we intent to act as integral part of European organizations and institutions sharing similar goals and values, such as European Greenways Association EGWA, European Cyclists Federation ECF and others.

The Declaration was agreed and signed at the “EuroVelo, Greenways and Cycling Tourism Conference in Europe Conference” in Vienna, Austria, 14th of October 2016, by following representatives:

Daniel Mourek

Michal Vesely

Environmental Partnership Association

Juraj Flamik

Czech Greenways, Nadace Partnerstvi / Czech Republic

Dominika Zaręba

Polish Greenways, Fundusz Partnerstwa / Poland

Vera Mora

Ökotárs Alapítvány / Hungary

Laszlo Potozky

Fundatia pentru Parteneriat / Romania

Zbigniew Pacholik

Marek Romaniec

Greenways Poland Association / Poland

Jano Roháč

Slovak Greenways, Nadacia Ekopolis / Slovakia

Valeria Klitsounova

Elena Vetrova

Belarussian Association „Country Escape” / Belarus

Sergiy Pidmogylnyy

Ukrainian Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism Association / Ukraine

Janusz Pierzyna / Prezes Zarządu

Bogdan Kasperek / Dyrektor Biura

Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalej "Olza"
